Can You Tell Me a Little About Yourself

All interviews get-go with the aforementioned question:

Tell me about yourself

The question sounds easy on paper, sure. After all, we talk nigh ourselves all the time.

But when you lot call up well-nigh it, it's a really open-ended question.

Practise you kickoff with your groundwork? Do you lot get through whatever's on your resume? Or exercise you lot innovate yourself more than equally a person than a professional?

Worried and unsure of how to answer?

Relax, you're non the only i!

Most people struggle with this question.

Here'southward some good news, though: in that location's a very easy style to answer the dreaded interview question.

Want to learn how?

  • Why do interviewers inquire this question?
  • How to reply "tell me nearly yourself" with a simple formula
  • 4 essential tips to keep in listen when answering
  • three sample answers for experienced professionals, students, and prospective students

Let'southward accept it one pace at a fourth dimension

How to Reply "Tell Me Almost Yourself" Interview Question

tell me about yourself

To better answer the question, you first need to empathise why they inquire it in the first place.

Hint: the interviewer isn't looking for your life story, or what you had for dinner last nighttime.

Rather, the question is a way for them to ease into the actual interview and get a general idea of what yous're all well-nigh.

It acts as an introduction and depending on how you answer, it's going to help the interviewer decide what to ask next.

This is your opportunity to leave a lasting first impression.

Give a skillful answer, and the interviewer will enthusiastically bombard you with more questions.

Respond wrong, though, you lot'll instantly be labeled as the "OK Candidate."

And then, what's a "expert answer?"

Well, it'southward actually pretty straightforward. A good respond should exist

Tailored - Applying for an accounting task? The recruiter doesn't care about your work experience every bit a existent estate agent. Your answer should be tailored to the chore y'all're applying for.

Based on Experience & Achievements - Your answer should be super-specific. Don't but say "so um, my proper noun's Mike and I'm a sales manager." Your respond should consist of background (what did yous written report?), acme achievements (how practise you stand up out from the other candidates), and interests (why are you lot applying for this job?).


Structured - Your answer should follow a uncomplicated, easy-to-follow format. We'd recommend sticking to the tried-and-tested "Past-Present-Future" formula. Meaning, structure you respond as follows:

  • The past - what is your background and relevant work experience? How did you get to where yous are now?
  • The present - what is your current office? What do you do and what are your elevation accomplishments?
  • The future - what are you looking to practice next? Why are you interested in the position?

Keeping these tips in mind, here'due south what a good answer to "tell me about yourself" would look like:

"Certain, so, my proper name is Joe and I am 27 years old.

For the past 5 years, I've been working as a business analyst at Visitor X and Y.

I have some background in data analysis, with a degree from Academy XY. What really got me into the field, though, is the internship I did at Visitor Z.

Throughout my career, I've noticed that I've always been good with numbers and handling data.

For example, when I was working at Visitor 10, I led a projection for migrating all operations information to a new data warehousing organization to cut down on costs. The new solution was a much better fit for our concern, which eventually led to savings of up to $200,000 annually.

Moving forrard, I hope to expand my feel across different industries. Specially fintech, which is why I'm interested in your company.."

Hither'southward what's done right:

  • The answer is tailored. Joe doesn't stray off-topic, he talks nearly his experience as a business analyst, and his past achievements in working with data.
  • The reply is based on experiences and achievements. Joe talks nigh his work feel as a business analyst, and covers some of his height achievements.
  • The answer is structured right - by, nowadays, hereafter.

Sounds simple enough, correct?


Now that we've covered the basics on how to reply "tell me nearly yourself," we're going to cover several essential tips that can help you stand up out even more than.

And so, allow'southward go started.

four Essential Tips on Answering "Tell Me Nearly Yourself"

1) Go on It Professional and Brief

When answering, try to continue it under i-2 minutes, at most.

No, the 60 minutes managing director doesn't want to know your entire life story.

They don't care about which kindergarten yous went to, how your first internship went, or what you studied in high schoolhouse.

Y'all want to stick to your chief selling points that are relevant for the job.

Pro tip: If you can see that the interviewer is getting distracted, you should take that as a sign that it might exist time to wrap up.

Here's how you lot WOULDN'T reply this interview question...

Well, I've always been interested in tech.

Merely it all probably started when I was a child, and at the age of ix I commencement got my reckoner.

I always loved playing around with code and learning new things. But it wasn't until that high schoolhouse where I offset had my start grade well-nigh it that really made me fall in honey with the subject area.

Since then, I started learning more near it and decided to major in IT at University 10 where I learned how to.

2) Practise, Just Don't Memorize

You're bound to hear "tell me near yourself" on only nigh every interview.

So, all you have to do is practise your answer a scrap!

Grab a friend and do a quick mock interview.

Keep in mind, though, that you shouldn't memorize your answer. Certain, it might seem similar the safer pick, but if you end upward forgetting something on the interview, you might mess up your entire answer.

Instead, come up with a full general thought of what yous're going to talk about, memorize the structure, and just wing the residual on the interview.

iii) Know Your Audience

Or, know thy interviewer.

It'southward important to keep in mind who you're talking to.

Is it the Hour? Business managing director? The hiring managing director? The CTO? CMO? CEO?

You might be wondering, why does this matter?

Well, the thing is, each of these people expect a unlike answer.

Let'south say y'all're a software engineer, and yous're being interviewed by the Hr manager. If you offset going on and on about how much you honey coding in Associates, you lot've practically lost them.

See, the HR director doesn't know anything about coding or assembly.

They're expecting a more generic answer about you, your career, and reasons for applying at the company.

On the other mitt, if you're being interviewed past the CTO or the hiring manager, you can geek out as much as you want.

four) Remember W.A.P. (Work, Academic, Personal)

Every good reply to "tell me about yourself" should consist of:

  • Work - This should make up about fourscore% of your answer. Focus on your previous experience and accomplishments here.
  • Bookish - ten-15% of your answer should then be about your academic background (university, academic achievements, etc.).
  • Personal - Finally the last five-ten% should exist well-nigh you as a person, while however keeping it relevant to the company.

Continue in mind, though, that the W.A.P. rule isn't set in stone.

If you're a student, for example, your entire answer could be about your academic career and personal interests.

3 Tell Me About Yourself Sample Answers

Demand some inspiration? Hither are 3 sample answers for:

  • Experienced professionals
  • Fresh graduates and college students
  • University admissions

Ready? Allow'south start with:

Sample Answer for Experienced Professionals

Sure, I'd exist glad to. I'm an tech-focused project director for up to eight years now.

I graduated from University Ten, where I made the Dean'southward List, with a major in concern administration and a modest in computer science. After that, I beginning got into the industry working as an administrative assistant at Company X. There I provided clerical support with interdepartmental advice, helped in managing schedules, and maintained the digital filing organisation.

Afterwards that, I was working as a projection manager for Visitor Y that provided deject computing solutions for near 6 years. There, I personally managed 5+ teams of software projects, and made sure everything went smoothly in terms of business goals, deadlines, budget, and more than.

In my reanimation, I enjoy reading virtually AI, tech, and robotics. Since you guys do all 3, I thought I'd apply.

Sample Respond for Fresh Graduates and Higher Students

My proper name is Jane Doe, I'm 22 years old and I recently graduated from University Ten with a B.A. in international business concern. While at that place, I learned a lot of theory in subjects similar corporate communication, international economics, corporate governance, and more than. I was also part of the student government, and maintained a GPA of

I've worked hard in my education and now I'm ready to utilise my knowledge into practise.

While I don't take any existent-life work experience, I've had a lot of exposure to the business organization environment. A lot of my courses involved working with real companies to solve real issues.

Now, I'm looking to leverage everything I've learned in uni and get some hands-on piece of work experience.

Sample Answer for University Admissions:

So, my name is John, and I'k a senior at Schoolhouse XYZ.

This twelvemonth, I managed to maintain a three.vii GPA, while working on a few unlike schoolhouse projects. I started an 'Ernest Hemingway Book Club' which has up to 15 agile members as of now. And I also launched a recycling program for the campus, through which nosotros raised awareness and invited an outside guest lecturer to speak about the subject area.

I tend to be teamwork-oriented and reliable, equally I've never missed a deadline. I'm also proud of my ability to preserve and overcome any challenges as they come up. For example, last year, I was having some trouble with trigonometry. I realized I needed to dedicate more time to the subject, and then, I met with a teacher outside the course and set bated ii actress hours per day for the subject. Eventually, I concluded up with an A in the subject.

At University X, I'm planning to either major in English or Journalism. I love reading and writing, then I call back both programs are going to be interesting and relevant to my interests.

Key Takeaways

At present, to recap, hither's the most important tips on how to answer "tell me about yourself…"

  • Structure your answer in a mode that makes sense. Stick to the by-present-future format, and y'all're all good!
  • Keep it relevant and cursory (1-ii minutes max). No i wants to hear your whole life story.
  • Mention whatever of your top achievements and relevant piece of work experiences.

Now, equally this is simply the first of the interview, expect them to follow up and enquire a bunch of other questions.

And then, if yous want to brand sure you lot're definitely ready for the interview, bank check out our list of the most common interview questions and instance answers:

  • Why Practice You Want to Work Here?
  • Why Should We Hire You?
  • What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?
  • What Is Your Greatest Strength?
  • What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?
  • Where Exercise Yous Run across Yourself In v Years?
  • What Are Your Career Goals?
  • 35+ Interview Questions and Answers [Full List]
  • 21+ Behavioral Interview Questions
  • 19+ STAR Interview Questions - Complete Listing
  • ten+ Situational Interview Questions & Answers [Complete List]

And if you want more tips on how to ace your next interview, cheque out our dedicated guides:

  • 26+ Biggest Interview Mistakes
  • Video Interview Tips
  • Phone Interview Questions & Tips
  • Interview STAR Method
  • How to Write a Thank you Email Subsequently an Interview

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